Archive of historical materials

Paper: On the Interaction of Elementary Particles. IV
OU1938-B8 (31 pages) Date: August 2, 1938
This is a proof of the paper, “On the Interaction of Elementary Particles IV” (Proc. Phys.-Math. Soc. Japan 20, 720-745 (1938)), written by Hideki Yukawa, Shoichi Sakata, Minoru Kobayashi and Mitsuo Taketani. They constructed a theory that encompassed both charged U particles and neutral U particles and comprehensively analyzed the nuclear force, beta decay and the like. Since the U particle is a vector particle having the mass of spin-1, the nuclear force resulting from the exchange of the U particle is very complicated. They conducted extensive investigations on the deuteron wave equation, beta decay, disintegration probability and lifetime of the U particle, creation and absorption of U particles in substances, and magnetic moment of the U particle. (Written by Yutaka Hosotani)