Archive of historical materials

Ph.D Thesis Submitted to Osaka Imperial University 1938
OU1938-Y1 (12 pages) Date: April 5, 1938
Yukawa submitted his Ph.D. thesis (Doctor of Science) to Osaka Imperial University in 1938. The thesis consisted of 10 parts, a doctoral thesis and nine reference papers.
On April 5, 1938, Osaka Imperial University Degree No. 584 was conferred to Hideki Yukawa. His doctoral thesis was his first paper, “On the Interaction of Elementary Particles I” (OU1934-A5, OU1934-B10). The reference papers were the nine papers he wrote from 1935 to 1937. For details, see the list on page 2. In reference paper 9, Yukawa discussed on the interpretation of the new particle (muon) discovered by S. Neddermeyer and Carl Anderson during the cosmic ray observations.
(English translation by KSI.)
Historical materials courtesy of Osaka University Yukawa Memorial