Archive of historical materials

Spin and Magnetic Moment of the U Particle (Note by M. Taketani)
OU1938-B7 (26 pages) Date: None
This note was written by Mitsuo Taketani. He summarized the basic properties of the U particle based on the assumption that it was a vector particle having the mass of spin-1. What Taketani described in this note is now known as the Proca field. Taketani’s review was marvelous. He started with the review of the Proca field and covered the subjects such as the angular momentum, spin and quantization. Then, he engaged in the calculation of the magnetic moment of the U particle. Yukawa probably kept this note of Taketani’s summary by his side when he wrote the section on the magnetic moment of the U particle in his paper. (Written by Yutaka Hosotani)
(English translation by KSI.)
Historical materials courtesy of Yukawa Hall Archival Library, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (s02-06-012)