Archive of historical materials

Program: The 18th Meeting of Phys.-Math. Society of Japan, Osaka Branch
OU1938-B5 (1 page) Date: May 28, 1938
This is the announcement of the holding of the 18th Meeting of the Physical and Mathematical Society of Japan, Osaka Branch on May 28 (Saturday) in the large lecture hall on the third floor of the School of Science building at Osaka Imperial University.
In this meeting, Yukawa and three others presented a lecture titled “Interaction of Elementary Particles (Continuation).”
- Hideki Yukawa: Nuclear force
- Shoichi Sakata: Beta decay
- Minoru Kobayashi: U particle generation and force loss
- Mitsuo Taketani: Nuclear magnetic moment
At the end of the meeting, Seishi Kikuchi and Hiroo Aoki gave presentations .
(English translation by KSI.)
Historical materials courtesy of Yukawa Hall Archival Library, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (s02-06-009)