Archive of historical materials

Rejection Letter from the Editor of Physical Review
OU1936-C4 (1 page) Date: May 25, 1936
Yukawa submitted the paper, “Density Matrix in the Theory of the Positron,” to Physical Review published by the American Physical Society. This letter was sent by the Editor of Physical Review to notify Yukawa that his paper could not be posted in the journal. The referee’s comment (OU1936-C5) was also enclosed. The submitted paper (OU1936-C6) was returned together in the envelope. One month later, Yukawa sent a letter of rebuttal (OU1936-C7) to the referee.
The office of the American Physical Society was located on the campus of the University of Minnesota at that time, and the editor of the journal published by the American Physical Society was John T. Tate. The main building of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota is called Tate Laboratory of Physics. (Written by Yutaka Hosotani)