Archive of historical materials

Draft: Talk at the 8th Meeting of Phys.-Math. Society of Japan, Osaka Branch
OU1936-B6 (30 pages) Date: None
This manuscript was prepared for the lecture, “Slowing Down of Neutrons by Thin Plate,” presented in the 8th Meeting of the Physical and Mathematical Society of Japan, Osaka Branch held on July 4 (Saturday), 1936. Yukawa wrote in a summary style for the purpose of organizing his examination and calculation results for use in writing another research paper at a later date. Based on this manuscript, Yukawa wrote the first draft shown in OU1936-B4 and then the final manuscript in OU1936-B1. The manuscript also includes detailed mathematical equations. The middle section (from about page 12 to page 16) of the paper shows various schematic diagrams that Yukawa drew during the process of examination. It shows how he constructed his logics. Figure 1 in the first draft of his research paper shown in OU1936-B4 was created based on the figures on pages 15 and 18. It is interesting to check and compare the materials shown in OU1936-B6, OU1936-B4 and OU1936-B1 in that order. (Written by Yutaka Hosotani)