Archive of historical materials

Phys.-Math. Soc. Meeting: “On the Theory of β Disintegration”

OU1935-B8 (4 pages) Date: July 6, 1935

This is the manuscript of Yukawa’s lecture on the joint research conducted with Shoichi Sakata. Part II of the manuscript describes about beta decay, while Part I (see OU1935-B7) reports on the radioactive atomic nucleus transition unaccompanied by the emission of light. In Part II, Yukawa postulates the existence of neutrinos in accordance with Fermi’s theory and then examines what kind of disintegration process would result if the mass of the neutrino is zero and studies how the mass of neutrino—if it has a mass—would affect the type of disintegration process that occurs.

(English translation by KSI.)
Historical materials courtesy of Yukawa Hall Archival Library, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University(s04-01--014)