Archive of historical materials

Phys.-Math. Soc. Meeting: “On the theory of radiationless transition of the radioactive nucleus”
OU1935-B7 (5 pages) Date: July 6, 1935
This is the manuscript of Yukawa’s lecture on the joint research conducted with Shoichi Sakata. In Part I of the manuscript, Yukawa talks about the radioactive atomic nucleus transition unaccompanied by light emission. In Part II (see OU1935-B8), he reports on beta decay. In Part I, Yukawa discusses the process of electron emission caused by the collision of the photon resulting from an atomic nucleus transition with an electron around the nucleus, the process of a photon forming an electron-positron pair, and the emission of electron resulting from the transition occurring inside the atomic nucleus.
(English translation by KSI.)
Historical materials courtesy of Yukawa Hall Archival Library, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (s04-01-013)