Archive of historical materials

Lecture: On the Interactions of Elementary Particles
OU1934-A4 (12 pages) Date: November 17, 1934
This is the manuscript of the lecture given in the conference of the Mathematical and Physical Society of Japan. The first half of the lecture was about the same as the lecture manuscript (OU1934-A3) written on October 27.
At the beginning, Yukawa wrote a marginal note that said, “As mentioned earlier by Dr. Takeuchi, the proton may not be an elementary particle. However, I will put that topic aside for the time being and focus on the interactions between protons and neutrons.” He began his discussion, based on the assumption that the effective distance of force was approximately 10^(-13) cm and that the coupling constant was several times the value of charge e. In the last part of the lecture, he stated that the calculation result differed widely from the degree of Fermi interaction, and concluded the lecture with an interesting ending statement, “I haven’t performed detailed calculations, yet…”. (Written by Yutaka Hosotani)