Archive of historical materials

Draft: On Pair Production by Scattering of the γ ray
OU1935-A2 (6 pages) Date: April 1935
This is the draft of the paper, “On Pair Production by Scattering of the γ ray,” co-authored by Yukawa and Shoichi Sakata, and contains the beginning part (up to Section 2) of the paper. This draft explains their research on the effect of electron-positron pair production by electromagnetic interaction prior to the elucidation on how cosmic rays lose their energy when they pass through a matter. When this paper was written (spring of 1935), Yukawa was engaged in the joint research with Shoichi Sakata after welcoming him to Osaka Imperial University. (Written by Yutaka Hosotani)
(English translation by KSI.)
Historical materials courtesy of Yukawa Hall Archival Library, Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (s04-04-006)